February 13, 2017

How to solve Note Making

                                           How to solve Note Making

Guidelines for attempting note making: -

1)         Read the article/extract very carefully.

2)        While reading, underline words and phrases that seem to be important.

3)        After you have finished reading twice, pick your pencil and scale to draw three
            vertical lines 1 inch from the left margin.

4)        Divide the whole text into two to three parts.

5)        If you find a third aspect which is not as important as the others, Leave it.

6)        In three to five words per line, prepare the notes.

7)        If there are often-repeated terms or lengthy words, abbreviate them. An abbreviation
            should have maximum four letters in length.

8)        After the abbreviations, write the summary in as less words as possible.

Here is a Sample/Format:

The following sample is a solved note with abbreviations and summary: -

The first element is “Title”. Write the word ‘Title’ and then the words chosen to be the title there. Under the title write the word “Notes”. Look at the numbering. There are three sub-levels, each against 1, 2, 3, A, B, C and I, II, III list-styles.

Suppose you are making notes of a passage on note-making, probably, it would look like as below: -

Title : Note-making Tips


  1. Reading
    1. Read twice
      1. Be lost in R
      2. UL imp words                                                                                                     
  2. Planning
    1. Divide by theme
    2. Divide by imp
    3. Divide by Time
  3. Writing
    1. Sub levels
      1. Max 3 sub levels
    2. Word limits
      1. Max 5 words/line
    3. Keys to Abbr
      1. Abbrte only long words
      2. Min 5
    4. Summary
      1. Max 50 words

Keys to Abbreviation

R         – Reading

UL       – Underline

imp      – Important

Abbr    – Abbreviations

Abbrte – Abbreviate


Note making is an easy job if you start it by reading the passage twice. Be lost in reading for a while and underline important words. After reading, you have to plan. You can plan and organize your note by dividing the content by theme, importance or by timeline. Now, start writing the notes by sub-levels and sub-sub levels. Remember to restrict the number of words to five in the most. Abbreviate long words but not too many.


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