We must literature not only as a piece of interesting long story written and told by a person while he spent sleepless nights in those days of his craftsmanship which you proudly hold in your hand and depict boldly purposefully to other passers by as the symbol of your affluence or being elite. Just think of the labour involved in bringing out that piece of work which is today in your careful hands. It is undoubtedly, a work that has consumed the writer. His physical and mental store has opened all the closets while it was in its making. He has kept a record of daily happenings around him and has not blind folded himself to the events occurring in his society. He has been given the food for his thought by one of us or not to mention by most of us who are or were his contemporaries. Our politics, eave-teasing, irrational approach to life, a cool support to the corruption, a quiet acceptance of nepotism and such other ill-traits of the people only surviving in the society have been the recipe for the writer. He has just picked one of such many items or the ill-traits prevalent in the society and has given an imaginary plot so that none feels hurt but probes into the matter.
Its therefore very true that a writer only shows the mirror to the society. His writings one day become the stock of archives and still they do not lose the power to bring out the real face of the society as would have been existing in the days of his creation of the particular work. If we make a careful study by devoting at least sometime of our hectic schedule to reading of such a work by a writer, we would only be able to validate our views of the society and then a small spark somewhere in the corner of the heart at least would kindle and utter perhaps only a feeble cry to get the society free of such shackles as is blinding it to human values. A spark neglected can burn the fire but a spark noticed at the right time can light up torches which can take us from ignorance to knowledge thereby making our life peaceful and happy.

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