This beautiful earth should remain as it is, nay, it should remain as it was. Yup that seems to me a far better statement. We have been doing injustice with the earth in several possible but certainly devastating ways. We have polluted the river water, poisoned the lake and pond water, carbonised the air, tirelessly created treeless forests and what not. And all that only for our selfish reasons!
In a study, it was revealed that the developed nations consume natural resources three times more than the developing nations. So, it brings me to conclude that the pollution, destruction and devastation caused by three men of developing nations is equal to the such hineoous act committed by just one man of developed nation. Its time when we gave a second thought to our selfish motives which have somewhere caused an irrepairable loss to the earth and the climate of the earth. What do we after all plan to leave behind if we don't check ourselves at least now when the water has surged neck deep. The future generation will not have the pleasure to be a part of this planet. They may repent their birth, reading the history books which would tell them all about the trees, free potable water and that water was colourless or bluish and that every country barring the polar ones had three to four climates which changed at regular intervals and people breathed fresh air enjoying the climatic changes.
The high time is here. There is no wait to curb our actions which are changing the climate of the world and only aggravating global warming, the disease of the climate. Friends, we must rise on this day and join our hands to keep our earth a suitable place for the people to live in.