Yeah! Its already late. The teachers of today should now at least be provided with Laptops by the employers. In this age of MNCs and Globalization and Brand value, schools too have started getting the clients as their students and in order to impress the clients (read students) it ihas become very important for the teachers to present the content through latest means of teaching aids.
Thus, we see that the teachers are in dire need of i-pads and smart pads or laptops. When internet has expanded the horizon of knowledge and brought about content-enrichment in the field of various studies, use of tech gadgets as mentioned hitherto is unavoidable. The government may argue that we can give loan to the teachers and they could buy a laptop of their own. But that would sound like an employer asking a teacher about ten-fifteen years back during his appointment to bring a blackboard and chalk-sticks along with him everyday to the school! Yeah! Surely that sounds funny. So this too sounds funny that the employers very generously talk of interst free loans for purchase of laptops by teachers. After all they will recoup the loan amount from the teacher. So what benefit does a teacher get? Nothing.
Teacher is also one of the stake-holders in the system of education who is equipped with knowledge dissemination but the via medium of this dissemination should be provided by the government. Has the government ever done anything beneficial for the teachers except slashing down the pay as and when it desired? The future of the children, which the government talks about the most, should be made safe and secure. Not by giving frrebies but by making each and every child responsible for his acts. If he wins, brings laurels, does some innovation, he should be applauded but if he does something ghastly, he should be tried in child juvenile court by giving exrtra powers to the head of the institutions to initiate such proceedings against him. How mute we stand before the student power sometimes and allow them to grow anti government, anti democratic and unparliamentary. This is not the right foundation we are laying. We are rather digging their graves and they don't understand since they believe on us and the policy makers.
So, it is time their future is really made bright by bringing them to classrooms, a place they actually belong to. They may not loiter out because a teacher's voice is hoarse and he is old and he gives only lectures and he does a lot of talking himself in the class, and he does lot of writing on the blackboard. He may stick to class if his teacher goes well equipped with the videos and clips and games of his subject on his laptop. This will certainly improve the sad face of education in our schools.